Genesis Framework: List of Theme and Location Constants

Here is a partial list of Theme Name/Version Constants, Directory Location Constants, and URL Location Constants that are defined by the Genesis Framework by StudioPress. This list should be useful for child theme developers and can be used by simply echoing the constant, e.g. <?php echo CHILD_URL; ?> would output /wp-content/themes/prose.

For a complete list of constants see: /wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/init.php


PARENT_THEME_RELEASE_DATE = September 15, 2010

PARENT_DIR = /path/to/public_html/
CHILD_DIR = /path/to/public_html/
GENESIS_IMAGES_DIR = /path/to/public_html/

PARENT_URL = /wp-content/themes/genesis
CHILD_URL = /wp-content/themes/prose
GENESIS_IMAGES_URL = /wp-content/themes/genesis/images

2 thoughts on “Genesis Framework: List of Theme and Location Constants”

  1. Genesis framework is looking like a strong competitor for Thesis. Currently I am using Thesis for all my blogs, but I think Genesis is also an awesome platform.

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